Monday, March 30, 2015

Sapphire scroll for Lady Jaquelinne Sauvageon

This one has been a very long time in coming as this was at the beginning of my scribing career and so:

A) I took no notes.
B) I took no photos.

This all, of course, makes me very sad. But! I do remember the main source for the scroll and the words were written by Baron Pierre de Tours. Knowing the recipient, I was able to get the pictures from the scroll. So here is Lady Jaquelinne Sauvageon's Sapphire scroll for the Barony of Concordia of the Snows based on the Chronicle of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, circa 1455.

"Time passes us all and in so doing does leave marks of many sorts. When one uses the passage of time to learn and to grow then time’s passage becomes an investment which diminishes ignorance. When the skills and abilities are enthusiastically shared with others not only are skills and an ability passed on the enthusiasm is passed on as well. Lady Jaquelinne Sauvageon has used her time instead of allowing time to use her. Not only has her skill in music and dance impressed Us and others, her willingness to teach the art of dance and its enthusiasm has enriched Our populace, the Barony and the Kingdom. Were these her only accomplishments We would be, as we are, most impressed. Lady Jaquelinne has also used her time to investigate, study, and learn medical practices as used in Period and travels with her medical kit and supplies, going so far as to incorporate that knowledge into her registered device. And since it is unseeming that one Gentle be given the same recognition twice no matter how well deserved, it is to Our mind just and proper, right and due, that either skill earn her entrance into Our Order of the Sapphire in decision of which We set our hand at the occasion of Our War of the Roses which is done this day of May 25 in the year of Our Society, AS XLIX."

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