Sunday, April 29, 2012

Side Board / Feasting

I seem to officially have my side board items decided on. Due to this fact, I can now make permanent sign-age for them. Also, because I have a very nice flow chart of when I have made them and how many I cooked for, how many were actually there, and how much was eaten, as well as how much a single batch costs, I am able to manipulate fairly quickly and easily. I do have a few other recipes on stand by that I have tried or would like to try again in order to flesh them out and have things for substitutions if, say, there is a really bad year on beets or something. But, otherwise, these are certainly the main things I make and have people beg for me to make again.

Chapatis (flat breads)
Shashlyk (grilled beef)
Pagach (cabbage pie)
Griby (marinated mushrooms)
Hen with prunes
Turnip pudding with ham
Dinner kasha
Creamed beets
Tea eggs
Mushroom caviar

Over all, things seem to go over really well. I've noticed that, depending on the event, some things go over better than others. There are a few other things I have made that I would make again depending on if it is a feast or I just want to substitute.

Cod with spiced cherry sauce
Stuffed onions
Root vegetables in milk sauce

There are also quite a few things that I would like to make at some point, including and not limited to borscht, cold salted cucumber soup, kvas (again), and hand made Russian sausages. Perhaps the next side board I will make sausages for. Perhaps I will make up a small batch for Pennsic just to get an idea.

For recipes, please view this entry: Recipes

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