Wednesday, April 25, 2012

SCA Goals Updated

Obscure goals: 

To have someone filk one of my original songs.

To have someone show me something they made/did because I inspired them to do such.

To have friends in every kingdom.

To get over 1,000 hugs from different people, documented, at Pennsic.

To go to events in at least two other kingdoms (not counting Pennsic) in the course of one year.

To have tried every craft in the A&S category and have proof of my trials.

To finally have the courage to perform something at Enchanted Grounds.

To help put together Casa Bardicci. As of Pennsic 2012, I did get to help put together the Casa. It was awesome coming down each day and seeing how it grew and changed.

To make something using all of my A&S talents that is good enough to be displayed in Casa Bardicci.

To have someone tell me that it isn't truly an event until they see me there.

To have someone commission me into making something special and important for them or someone they know.

To have someone approach me to tell me about their research because they know it is something I would enjoy.

 To have someone approach me because someone else told me I was the perfect person to talk to about a certain subject. I have officially had a few people approach me specifically saying that I was the person to go to in our area for anything Russian. That certainly made me blush and feel honored that people feel that I am that knowledgeable.

To have someone approach and want to meet me just because they've heard so much about me.

To hear about something I have created being spread far and wide through another kingdom (be it craft, story, or song).

 To have someone tell me that they are surprised I don't have a (order of the emerald, Tyger of the East, maunche, laurel) because I seem to embody exactly what that award is in their eyes. Not only have I been told by someone they are surprised I don't have a maunche, but I also have been awarded the order of the emerald because people couldn't believe I didn't have it yet. I cried. My scroll has tear stains on it.

 To some day become Queen specifically so I can inspire others.

 To some day become baronial/kingdom level bard/A&S champion specifically so I can inspire others. Did I inspire others? I feel as though I tried. I tried by pushing myself beyond what I would normally do and I entered A&S competitions and displays in places I normally wouldn't and at events I may never have gone to otherwise. Everything I entered, someone in the barony had given me great help with and they are thanked in my documentation. Each time someone approached me, I spoke highly about Concordians and what an inspiration they are and how we all support each other in our crafts and, in such, inspired others in similar crafts and mannerisms. Even my tokens I had been giving out this year, small little pearl flowers, was a technique taught to me by Pashalika and each time I give one, I say how the craft was taught to me and the person I am giving it to was inspiring and teaching me in kind. So did I inspire others? I like to hope so. Did I have fun? I really did. It has been a wonderful year and it is soon to be over. I will try not to cry as I look forward to smiling unto my successor and hoping that my words inspire them to continue dreaming and working their magic in their craft and teaching others as well as accepting more knowledge from wherever it comes.

To have someone approach me and tell me how knowing me has made their SCA life that much better.

To spend a full day with each person that inspires me and learn all I can from them.

To have people remember me fondly, as they do so many others, whether it is because I need to move or something sadder happens.

More tangible to understand goals: 

 A matching hat, collar, and cuffs full with embroidery, leather base, gold thread, and pearl couching.

Hand cast a full set of temple rings

A mixed media (of all my A&S skills) Russian icon

A hand sewn hand woven coat with hand made trim (I'm half way there)

A story/song/poem for every bit of the Russian Chronicles

To understand Russian medieval modal musical style so I can begin writing my own music and then to... write... music

An entirely hand sewn outfit (every layer hand sewn)

 Create a class on Russian medieval law once I know a little more about it

To learn enough Russian that I can start throwing it into stories with a "excuse me, I mean blah blah blah" on ocassion

Goals I never knew I had until they happened to me: 

To have a stranger tell me I inspire them: This has happened in many ways to me. One of the first was at Pennsic when a woman approached me and handed me a small slip of paper telling me how much I inspired her and thanked me for researching my persona and keeping true to it to make Pennsic a more beautiful place. It was really wonderful and an amazing feeling.

To have someone see something in me and actively -want- to teach me without me approaching them: When you have two laurels you very much respect give you a joking sad 'aww, you are already apprenticed' because they see such potential in you.... it is really really humbling. In fact, there are more than just laurels that have wanted to take me aside and teach me. It seems a lot of people see potential in me for a lot of things. I hope I can make them all proud with all my endeavours.

To cook a feast: Oh it was stressful, but I love playing hostess and I never knew how much I really really wanted that honor until I got to do it once and then stand all proud before my meal that everyone enjoyed to the last drop. It is kind of a rush.

Goals I had that I dropped when life got busy and I want to get back to: 

Making cookies to give to awardees after court. I have found that it isn't so much the giving of the cookies that touches people as much as it is having someone approach them that is a complete stranger to tell them how inspired they are by their work and even sit down for a few minutes with them to hear more about the things they are passionate about. I have had people nearly in tears when I did this and it made me feel so connected and I know it made the awardee feel wonderful as well. I would like to get back into this habit as I feel I have been missing out on so much over the past few months for not having had the time to do it. I will get back into the habit this weekend at Crystal Snowflake.

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