Monday, May 30, 2016

Lady Elewys's Ram's Horn, Baronial award for Concordia of the Snows

The words were based off of Sun Tzu's The Art of War:

"In the valor of our warriors, we hear the echo of the wisdom of Sun Tzu.

Defense is a matter of vital importance to the Barony of Concordia of the Snows, for it is the forum of our life or death - the road to our survival or ruin. The resources of those skilled in extraordinary defense are as infinite as the heavens and earth, as inexhaustible as the flow of the great rivers, for their mighty battle motions are cyclical, recommencing as they end, as the movements of the sun and moon.

The musical notes are only five in number but their melodies are so numerous that one cannot hear them all. The primary colors are only five in number but their admixtures are so infinite that one cannot see them all. In defense there are only the normal and the extraordinary forces, but their combinations are limitless, that none can comprehend them all. Lady Elewys of Anglespur sees that these two forces are mutually reinforcing. She knows that their interaction is as endless as the binding of interlocked rings.

When torrential water tosses boulders, it is because of its momentum. When the strike of a hawk breaks the body of its prey, it is because of timing. Thus the momentum of Lady Elewys, as one skilled in the art of defense, is overwhelming, and her attack is precisely regulated. Wise commanders pursue victory through thoughtful selection of their warriors. Thus do We, Jean Paul and Lylie, Baron and Baroness, call this warrior to Our Order of the Ram's Horn, so that one so valiant shall not strive alone, but march in brave company."

I was super stoked about this scroll because, hurray! I could finally use my craft of paper cutting! China had been doing paper cutting since 5 BC at the very least and this woman has a Ming Dynasty persona! So I did my research of paper cutting during the Ming Dynasty. They used everything from brands to pottery designs. So I made a design using paintings and pottery designs and am quite pleased with how it came out. For the calligraphy, I studied a bunch of Chinese symbols and eventually created a flowed hand with brush that were similar to Chinese stylings, but were all our typical ABC alphabet.

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