Sunday, May 1, 2016

AoA for Léana Doucet

I admit, I don't know everyone. I just don't. So it is no wonder when this scroll assignment came across my desk that I said 'yes, but I don't know who that is!' Thankfully, the description of -why- she was getting the word was so brilliantly inspirational (as they all are, gosh darn it!) and so I knew this was a scroll I wanted to do.

...but I didn't think I had all the time I wanted for the wordsmithing. So I contacted the person who put in the request and words were eventually given to me. In French. Eep! So, then I had to start working on a translation because I don't know French but wanted to make sure the whole scroll had a proper feel to it.

Here are the words that were given to me by Sir Pellandres dit le Frère with a few little tweaks by Dame Bruinissende and Alys Mackyntoich to add in the names of the royalty where they best fit as well as the event place and date:

Il en est une dont les actes, quoique toujours silencieux, ne laissent aucun indifférent. Du chaos naissent l'ordre puis l'action. D'aucun ne savait ce qu'il devait faire, du coup il accompli de grandes choses. Un sourire en coin, elle sait son travail accompli. Certains voudraient la saisir et définir son influence. Nul ne peut ainsi la réduire. Revestant le haume, elle affronte sans doutes les ennemis du Roiaume et assiste à l'entrainement de ses troupes. Hors de la lice elle s'assure que non seulement sa propre personne, mais aussi sa suite, soient couverts de vestiments honorables. Ce sans oublier son amour pour la gens équine, les activités desquelles elle songe établir en ceste principauté et qu'elle introduit à qui veut l'entendre!  N'osant laisser un tel murmure s'élever trop haut et cherchant  plutôt a le transformer en clameurs de joie de la part de leur sujets, Nous, Kenric, Roi du Royaume d'Orient par le droit des armes, et Avelina, de par le même droit notre Reine, de par les ci-présentes lettres accordons à notre sujet Leana Dosquet le droit de porter les armes suivantes:

 Ainsi ordonné en ce 30 avril de la cinquantième année de notre Société dans notre baronnie du Havre des Glaces."

A space was saved where  arms could be placed when the time came that there were registered.

Here is the translation, to the best of my ability, from French into English:

There is one whose acts, though still silent, leave no one indifferent. Born into the chaos, she creates order in action. Where no one else may know what to do, she can accomplish a great many thing. Always with a smile, she goes to her work. Some would try to define its influence, but none may invalidate her labors. Wearing a great helm, she faces without doubt the enemies of the Kingdom and attends the training of its troops. From the lists she ensures that not only her own person, but also those around her, are clothed with honorable vestiments. Without forgetting love for equestrians, whose activities she feels important to the Kingdom, she teaches anyone who will listen! Not daring to leave such a murmur to grow too loud and instead seeking to turn it into joyful clamor from Their subjects, We, Kenric, King of the Kingdom of the East by right of arms, and Avelina, by the same right, Queen, by the following present letters grant Leana Dosquet the right to bear the following arms:

Dated April 30 in the fiftieth year of our Company in our Barony of Havre des Glaces."

The illumination of choice in inspiration comes from the Bible of Borso d'Este, circa 1455.

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