Monday, February 18, 2013

King's Order of Excellence

Saturday, I was given a King's Order of Excellence. I am stunned, honored, and humbled.

Every person I know has taught me something about how to do it better. I have watched people walk into court and yearned in my heart to be like them, grace and beauty in their persona. I cannot thank everyone I know enough for all the inspiration they have given to me, the push and desire to strive to be the best that I can. Without all of you, I would not be the person today. And each and every one of you continue to inspire me, and continue to make me drive forever forward.

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Illumination - Ro Honig von Sommerfeldt,
Calligraphy - Carolyne LaPointe,
Russian translation - Lord Michael Acrensis.

I have written to each of these artisans, thanking them profusely for the gift of their time and art in creating this masterpiece. I was, to put it simply, in complete awe and looking at it even now brings tears to my eyes and inspiration to my heart.

Translation: "To all who hear these words, I, King Edward of the East, and my Queen Thoora send greetings. We have heard the great acclaim of the people for our subject Katrusha Karpova, daughter of Gadiev the jester. By all of her many acts and studies she has shown herself to be a glorious example of a lady of Novgorod. She demonstrates great knowledge and skill as an Entertainer, craftsperson, and inn keeper along our spice road. We hold the acts high in regard and are moved to induct Katrusha the Skomorkh into our King's Order of Excellence. This is done by our will and power at the King's and Queen's Arts and Sciences Championship in our Barony of Dragonship Haven. On the eve of the Feast of Saint Theodore the Silent. A.C. 47."

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